Which is better, the monster that you know, or the one that eludes you? Dawkins Turnbull is about to find out. Part 1 of 2.
This is an original story written by Marcelle Ward for irregularman.com

There is an idea of escaping the horrors of life, avoiding the pain and the pressure that push us to survive. We can use drugs, alcohol or even sex to let us forget, if but for a time. Yet, no matter what happens, we cannot hide from ourselves.
This is an original story written by Marcelle Ward for irregularman.com

"Lexicon" is defined as "the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge." It is a collection of words formulated into a wordbook or dictionary. They can be illustrated or recorded in video or audio. The Black Lexicon is my collection of words, arranged in stories and poems that describe fictional and non-fictional worlds and ideas. The Black Lexicon is a catalogue of creation. It is a monument built of a man's magnified joys and the crushing weight of disappointment. The Black Lexicon is a juxtaposition of the immutable, realized power of self-actualization and the dank sorrow found in the death of a dream. It is a doorway to the shadows of the mind and the wounds of the world. It is the secret revealed and the scream unheard. It is both dead eyes and hurried, shuffling feet. It is the love in hearts and the grinding of teeth. Lastly, my lexicon is a mere contribution to three great genres of literature: horror, fantasy and science-fiction.

We can find solace in the most unlikely places. Still, we won’t recognize it.

This poem is an interpretation of "The Evening Star", a painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, 1864.

I decided to completely rebrand my channel and focus on writing great horror in unique ways. My vision has always been the same: to create a lasting brand while learning the best ways to approach horror narration. That being said, I hope this change expresses a more focused and professional feel as well as the passion that I have for the arts.

Sometimes, the worst, most horrible prisons don't have metal bars. A short, teaser episode.

One of the more obscurely narrated Lovecraftian tales, The Doom That Came to Sarnath is a great example of the style of writing of which he is famed.

Be a man. Flesh. Act like there is some blood beneath your skin and stop propping yourself up with your indecision. Dreams build monuments of the mind, but action allows you to touch them.

Scratching and gnawing and biting to gain ground, those that hope for more and want victory as much as they want to breathe will be immortalized. The only trap is the one in your mind.

Careful with what you allow into your heart. Your mind. Your spirit. Some things will pollute you to your very core, with little course to extract the foul taint.

Who's watching who? Who knows... All I can say is that somewhere, sometime, someone is watching you. Judging you. Scrutinizing your every move. And you have no clue.

The Dead Smile, by Francis Marion Crawford A dying man holds a horrible secret and is prepared to take it to the grave. What his family discovers is that some secrets just won't die. Check out thesoulexpands.com for more videos, merchandise and artwork.

It's all in your mind.
Whatever you think, you become.
Death of Kings 2 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/

After the king of all drunk blackouts, a man awakes in a forest somewhere, some when. That's bad, but Bubberstuff is even worse...

I find myself propelled towards an enigmatic presence that wants me to accept an invitation. It is an offering of power, but what will it cost me? In Game Footage: Bound PS4

Sometimes we don't see it coming. The change is hidden in our prejudices. It resides in our doubts. Our pains and brokenness can only be surmounted through acceptance.

Monsters don't just hide under the bed and in the closet. Sometimes they're a bit more creative...
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

It is often enough we find ourselves at a crossroads in life, thinking our accomplishments only as failures. It is during those times that we must look to the beginning. Go back and see what was the impetus of the problem. Go ahead. But you won't like what you see.
This poem was originally published in the book, "The Science of Discontent", by Marcelle D. Ward.

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that touches the lives of many. But what are these dark figures that haunt these experiences? This is my personal experience.
Original, true story by Marcelle D. Ward (thesoulexpands.com)
Irregular by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/?keywords=irregular
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Morphing Glitch LOOP Structures - Stock Effects for free. Motion Background "Morphing Glitch Loop Footage Static VHS Glitch & Error - Static TV - Light Effects - Free Effect Footage
Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

The protagonist is contemplating his next steps in the pursuit of power. Is he really human, or just a puppet of the gods?
"The Power to Form and Shape" is an original story written by Marcelle D. Ward. The story will be presented in parts or chapters.
Upcoming chapter: Parnissa
The Halloween Dawn by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/248/the-halloween-dawn
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org

A trailer for The Black ParalLex Channel. Please check out thesoulexpands.com for more artwork, designs, blog, published works and merchandise.

Creating graphics for the channel with Picsart on iOS and iPhone 8 Plus.